Miniposter ‘ik hou je van heel dichtbij’ | Candypink

The miniposter in short 

A-5 size

Printed locally and environmental friendly

Colorplan paper [350 grams]. FSC certified, 100% pure ECF fiber and acid-free.

With gold foil edge 


Extra info

This mini poster feels everywhere and always very close. Really, try! And the golden edge? It finishes it!

For the arrival of a new loved one, as a reminder for yourself, for 'just like that' or when saying goodbye to a particularly beautiful person. As a small gift in the mail or for on the wall. Everything is possible. Always!

When choosing the weight of the paper, the possibility of sending the mini poster was taken into account, for example with the matching glassine envelope or envelope with Japanese closure. Stamp on it and done! Ready to send it out into the wide world and end up exactly where it should be.

PS If you send the mini poster in the envelope with a Japanese closure, stick two stamps, one on the glassine.



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